Groove Garage Collapsible Storage Case (Shin Godzilla Huge Unknown Biological Special Disaster)



Groove Garage Collapsible Storage Case (Shin Godzilla Huge Unknown Biological Special Disaster)


Vendor: Groove Garage Japan

Product type: Cases

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Groove Garage Collapsible Storage Case (Shin Godzilla Huge Unknown Biological Special Disaster)

Looking for a unique looking storage container made with high-quality material?  The collapsible storage box from Groove Garage Japan is just right for you.  Inspired by the popular L51B-D delivery box, and crossover with various Japanese anime series, the Groove Garage boxes have eye-catching symbolic and representing logos printed outside, making it a perfect decoration while a useful tool for storing and organizing items like clothes, tools and just about anything.

When not in use, simply fold and stack up the container with others for easy storage, or just display it outside to accentuate your personal style.  A nice addition for all anime fans.

Features & Specification:
-Collapsible for easy storage
-Polypropylene made high quality storage box
-Perfect for storing, organizing, and for outdoor use
-Printed logos from famous Japanese anime series
-Handles with flap closure

Size (For reference only):
Outer: 530 x 366 x 334mm
Inner: 494 x 336 x 303mm
Folded: 530 x 366 x 95mm

Around 50L


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