Cockpit USA Women's WWII Amelia Trench Lambskin Coat Cockpit USA Women's WWII Amelia Trench Lambskin Coat Cockpit USA Women's WWII Amelia Trench Lambskin Coat Cockpit USA Women's WWII Amelia Trench Lambskin Coat Cockpit USA Women's WWII Amelia Trench Lambskin Coat



Cockpit USA Women's WWII Amelia Trench Lambskin Coat


Vendor: Cockpit USA

Product type: Jackets

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Cockpit USA Women's WWII Amelia Trench Lambskin Coat

Features & Specifications:
Soft lambskin leather
Lined with Cockpit USA's copyrighted Escape map design
Leather belt around the waist
Two front pockets
This is a slim fit coat


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